January 17, 2014

  • The Right Balance


    Is there some secret to having a better life? Are there things we need to be doing (or NOT doing!) that will make things go better for us? Remember in Sunday School when the teacher talked about the way to have joy?

    J -- Jesus
    O -- Others
    Y -- You

    The idea is that if you really want a good and joyful life, you should put Jesus first. Next, care about others, and last, think of yourself. I am not sure you can really make joy such a simple formula, but I do know that things go better in my life when I put Jesus first. I also think caring about others is important. (Although for me that means a lot of time spent on my knees in prayer.) I have learned I can't change anybody, but it has not stopped me trying! Our old pastor used to say, "There is only one Savior, Mae, and it's not you." Good to remember, don't you think? It is hard to see people you care about doing dumb things, though. But, we just have to be the best influence we can, and PRAY!

    As far as putting yourself last, well --- I don't know. I know we should not be whining, obnoxious, selfish and all that, but taking care of yourself is important. As I get older and my body defies my will in many ways, I see the importance of taking care of myself. I like to work hard. I used to be able to push myself, but these days, it doesn't work so well. If I am in pain because I have not used wisdom and have overdone, I am not very nice or very useful to anyone, so in this regard, I need to think of myself.

    I guess I am wandering a bit here, :-) but what I really want to say is that living a balanced life -- a life of moderation -- is a good thing. Eating cookies is not wrong. Eating a dozen cookies is excessive and out of balance. Buying yourself something you like or need is not wrong. Being a "shop-aholic" is out of balance. Putting on a few pounds over the holidays is not terrible. Keeping those pounds, and adding more is unhealthy and out of balance! Your home does not always have to look like the cover of Home Beautiful, but don't take too long to clean and tidy. It's all about finding the balance. I believe that is what makes me feel right.

    Sure, it is good to have things in your life you are passionate about, but usually, if these things consume all your time, money and energy, you are out of balance. Well, having said that, I also want to say that I don't think you can EVER have too much of God. I don't think you can ever have too much of spending time with Him! In fact, He is the one who teaches me what real balance is. He is the one who helps my life find the right rhythm. His wisdom guides me.

    (Proverbs 16:32 NLT) Better to be patient than powerful; better to have self-control than to conquer a city.

    If I were the type to make resolutions in the new year, I think living a Christ-centered, well balanced life would be the best one I could think of!

Comments (6)

  • The idea of moderation in everything has been espoused for generations. And it is excellent advice. Living a God-centered life instead of a self-centered one is the daily challenge for humans as we are by nature inward looking... Very nice post!!

  • I agree. Balance is very important. As humans we tend to be like a pendulum and swing from one extreme to the other. But God...........

  • I spend a time with God everyday. Most of the time it's an hour but sometimes it's off and on all day. Other times it's just once a day.
    I try for an hour a day with God and let the other 23hours take care of themselves but I'm just human and nothing is written in stone. LOL

  • I am a firm believer in moderation.

  • I tell many friends that if you want to care for others, your family, the poor etc, you must first take care of your self. This does not mean you have to be selfish, but rather be responsible for your self first. Eat properly. Get enough sleep. Work to provide for your general health and well being, only then can you give of your self selflessly to help others.
    I am of no service if I am curled up in my bed sick as a dog.
    It is hard sometimes to put ourselves first, because we are taught to put others first.
    As you put it; Balance.
    Once you master the balancing act then you have to learn how to juggle!

  • The three points you highlight are fondamental and it is true we have to keep a point of a just balance .

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