January 13, 2014

  • Can You Handle the Truth?

    the-truth-about-mlmWhat is truth? It seems like an easy enough question to answer, but when you observe the lives of different people you start to wonder. It seems to me that there are some people who base truth simply on whether or not they have decided to believe something. But, does that make it true? Is something true because you heard it on the news? Read it on Facebook? A friend or acquaintance shared it? What constitutes truth? So much of the media is hype. So often declarations and "evidence" can be slanted in whatever direction is felt right to the individual writing/reporting. Most radio and TV broadcasts have an agenda, and they decide what, and how to report what they put out there. I must admit that over the years I have gotten very suspicious of a lot of what is reported as "truth." Often, there are conflicting reports. Then what do you believe? The one you like best? Crazy.

    There is a source of absolute truth. I believe it can only come from God and His Spirit. The Bible says He cannot lie, so it seems to me, He would be the best resource for truth. Oh sure, I know there are those who say the Bible is a book of myths, or just nice stories. They say it is "outdated" and not relevant for today. Baloney.

    All I know is that when I read the Bible, it speaks to something deep within me. It gives me hope. It points me in the right direction. It helps me understand life. I also sense that as I read, God is revealed to me more and more. I see His faithfulness to mankind. I read of of His incredible wisdom and love. I choose to trust in the Bible as absolute truth, and I have to say it has never let me down. When I choose to live by the principles revealed there, life is just.....GOOD. When I choose to treat people the way God asks me to, I am blessed. When I make decisions based on what the Bible says is right, I have peace. I haven't found these things anywhere else.

    (Psalm 25:5 NLT) Lead me by Your truth and teach me, for You are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in You.

    (Psalm 86:11 NLT) Teach me Your ways, O LORD, that I may live according to Your truth! Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor You.

    It is interesting that all through the Gospels, Jesus says, "I tell you the truth....." But, maybe that isn't so surprising, considering Jesus IS THE TRUTH! (John 14:6 NLT) Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me.

    I guess in this day and age, you can believe any crazy thing you want to. If you want zombies or vampires to be real. Sha-zam! For you, they're real. If you want to believe the earth is drifting out of orbit and will crash into the sun.... uh... OK. But I know there is something deeper --- something better--- than just making it up as you go along. I choose to go to the source of all truth. Almighty God. It's undoubtedly the best choice I have ever made.

Comments (6)

  • The Bible says the all about the Mankind and God but we have too be able to read it with discernment without being superficial . The Bible is for all time.

  • are you talking about people being gullible?
    I guess we can give them credit for looking for the truth.
    Sometimes we have an opportunity to plant a seed of love and hope with these people. Listen to them when they share with us. Our faith is so really and maybe they can borrow some from us till they get their own faith.
    If we aren't what they are looking for we've shown them God's love and they will remember and come back to us later.

  • I meant our faith is so real that they can't take away from us.

  • When I hear this question I flashback to the Dialogue sung between Jesus and Pontius Pilot sung in Jesus Christ Superstar.
    Jesus "I seek the truth, but find that I get damned"
    Pilot "But what is truth? Is it not unchanging laws? We both have truths. Are mine the same as yours?"

    The deepest purest truth comes from absolute divinity. The closer we are to the divine creator, the closer we are to finding the truth. The further we move from divinity, the more skewed our truths become. It is hard to believe the actual truth when we create a world of lies and deception around us, beginning with those lies which justify our own sinful behaviors.
    And I am speaking from experience...

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