August 19, 2014

  • Spiritual Dehydration

    water 2

    The experts say most of us do not drink enough water. Some say that by the time you start to feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Water is important to maintain life. It cleanses and balances the body. It boosts the immune system. It helps relieve fatigue, and can prevent headaches. It's just a good idea to make sure you get enough water. My husband always gets a headache when he gets dehydrated, so we always have water with us when we travel. Did you know that in really severe cases of dehydration you can even experience delirium? You can imagine things are there which are not there at all. You lose touch with reality and your mind can go all wonky!

    (Jer. 2:13 NLT) "For My people have done two evil things: They have abandoned Me—the fountain of living water. And they have dug for themselves cracked cisterns that can hold no water at all!

    (John 7:37-38 AMP.) Now on the final and most important day of the Feast, Jesus stood, and He cried in a loud voice, If any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink! He who believes in Me [who cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me] as the Scripture has said, From his innermost being shall flow [continuously] springs and rivers of living water.

    I think some of you don't feel right in your spiritual life. Some of you have been living in confusion and distress. Some of you may even be imagining things that are not actually true. Your emotions are all over the place. Why is that? You have not been drinking enough of the LIVING water!

    Just like our physical body needs water every day to function well, our SPIRITUAL life need the living water. When did you last spend time with Jesus? When did you last sit with Him and tell Him how much you love Him? Sometimes after I pray a while, I just like to sit and be still. It is often then that God will speak to my heart, and it is such a blessing! Time with Him deal with spiritual dehydration! As spiritual beings, we NEED communion with Him every day!

    Are you spiritually dehydrated?

Comments (13)

  • amen to this post ~ drinking more water is a good thing ~ physically ~ but the Living Water is our Lifeline! blessings to you, Mae ~

  • Wonderful post!! I do think Americans are too focused on the physical and do not give enough attention (on a daily basis) to their spiritual well-being. So many women have a "beauty" routine - cleanse, moisturize, make-up but neglect their inner landscape. Daily prayer is just as important as food and drink for our bodies. You have nailed this one!

  • this is wonderful and gives me an idea for my prayer group. A good topic to have for sure.

  • Wow. I definitely needed to read this today! Thank you for the encouragement and reminder. It's funny that I have been aiming at drinking a gallon of water a day, but only spending minutes with the Lord. hmmmm

  • Thanks Pastor Mae. Very good message today.

  • "Communion with Jesus", wow that is like a big book to some and a very tight concept to a sinner.

    Walking in the path of Jesus is another big novel to write upon.....

    Walk and then talk the stuff about Jesus is a hard concept to grasp for some beginning Christian.

    Refreshing your spiritual can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink....

  • I am probably spiritually dehydrated. I have been having trouble 'being still'.

    • I have trouble with that, too! Sometimes it is hard to sit quietly because my mind just keeps thinking of so many things I think I should be doing! But, when I take the time with Him, everything else seems to go better!

  • This is so good, Mae! His Word has really come alive to me over the past year ... before, I would read and not feel much, still I knew how vital His Word was to my spiritual growth, but now, it's an awakening of my soul to Who He is, how much He cares for me, and I'm loving every single moment I spend 'drinking' in His Word and sitting in His Presence! I wake up and He is my first thought of my day ... not like it was before when I'd wake to the list in my head of things that had to be done that day! I don't exactly know when this change happened ... I know it's been gradual and I know for certain that I never want it to end! He quenches that spiritual thirst that I've had, and I don't ever want to stop drinking of His Living Water and being refreshed! Bless you my friend! ((Hugs))

  • my soul is thirsty of you ,O my God

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