April 27, 2014

  • What to Do With a Troubled Heart

    troubled heart

    Do not let your hearts be troubled (distressed, agitated). You believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely on God; believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely also on Me. (John 14:1 AMP)

    We live in troubled times, and there are many things which, if dwelled upon in our thinking can trouble our hearts. This verse in John implies that we can choose NOT to give in to these thoughts.. We don’t have to fret. We have a choice.

    Unfortunately, sometimes worry becomes a habit, and a habit is hard to break. God is working in my life to teach me to trust Him more. He is a big God -- a big God who can do ANYTHING! And, fretting accomplishes nothing positive at all. Nothing.

    I may have shared with you before that I come from a long line of high caliber worriers. We are talking Olympic class! I have really had to work to shut off the worry gene. One technique I find especially helpful is to develop a habit of replacing the worrying thoughts with good Bible verses which focus me not on the problem — but instead, on the One Who solves them.

    I have color coded my Bible using colored pencils, and every peace scripture I know is shaded in green, which is to me, a peaceful color. (Salvation scriptures are red, Heaven scriptures are blue, grace is yellow.... you get the idea!) I also put a little, red "P" in front of every scripture which holds a promise from God. When I am feeling unsettled, I can flip through my Bible and read some peace verses and promises easily. I have found this to be an effective way to calm my heart. I invite God’s peace and presence in, and I build up my faith.

    Sometimes I like to picture me handing the problem over to God. Then I ask myself, "Whose problem is it now?" And of course, there it is in God’s hand, so I can say, "God’s!" Every time after that when I start to worry about it again, I just close my eyes and picture it in Almighty God’s capable hands.

    It also helps to be with positive encouraging people whenever possible— people who lift me up rather than pull me down. Listening to good worship music also ministers to me and helps to keep me focused on God.

    What do you do when your heart is troubled?

Comments (7)

  • This is SO true! I like your ways of dealing with worry. I have taken worry about people and made it a reminder to pray for them but I didn't have a good plan for all the other stuff. thanks! God bless you!

  • I about worried myself sick over the weekend, I should be ashamed of myself! I thank you also!

  • Beautiful thoughts and ideas. I'm not sure I can mark up my Bible any more and still read it but I like the ideas you presented. I think I shall try some. Thanks so much. Hugs and smiles and blessings, Char

  • Hi Mae, I am surprised to hear you say that you are a worrier. I had always imagined you with such a secure, confident, peace in your heart. I am the fretter. lol And I feel convicted of it all the time. I know God tells us to worry for nothing, and I know that He has kept me in His providential care... and yet I worry... yet I want Him to implement 'my' plans, and on my time schedule. :-(
    What do I do when my heart is troubled... just as you have said, I allow God to speak to my heart and remind me that my trust is in Him... He, after all, is the One who is in control and no amount of worry will change that. He has to remind me often to let go and let Him be in charge.
    Wishing you peace and blessings today,
    Lynn :-D

  • I'm not a big worrier, but I can appreciate the need and the solution of filling our minds and hearts with God's Word! And Worship music (& positive folk) truly do help to lift the spirits. Hugs to you, dear Mae! :-)

  • I have been blessed over the past few decades and my heart has been relatively free from trouble. I have so many things distracting me from my worries I don't have time for worrying. I barely have time to plant the new bean seeds in the garden. And I won't worry about it if they don't get in at all.
    I think that while we waste time worrying about one thing we end up neglecting something else that might be more important.
    If something is so important that we begin to worry about it, perhaps we ought to stop what we are doing and just deal with it or move past it.
    Easier I suppose when you have a strong relationship with the Divine One, and trust that He will look after the things we cannot control ourselves.

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